3d PCB milling

Since a short-while I’m able to mill PCB’s using a small milling machine. Frees 1
The machine came trough my son… it was collecting dust .. so it was better to make dust at my place.

I’m now in the process of making PCB’s for my model rail-road… DCC points decoders, S88N track occupied indicators.

I have also build an small machine for re wiring coils, used in points actuators… The motor is PWM driven from a Aruino NANO…








wisseldecoder 1_3x



wisseldecodet_test 1






Coil winding machine




Home brew col winding machine.

Below an refurbished point… the coil has been rewired…

PWM driverboard..   pwm_driver_1pwm_driver_layoutpwm_driver_2